Friday, August 22, 2008


I was introduced to the phenomenon of the zombie by my husband. I hadn't seen any movies with zombies before that, and I didn't realize that my husband was a zombie-ologist.

My husband loves zombie movies; Dawn of the Dead, Shaun of the Dead, Evil Dead, Night of the Living Dead, 28 Days Later, I would say that they're his favorite kind of movie.

There are zombie books, for real, there are. When I was in the hospital with Asher, Nick read me World War Z while I was in bed. It's actually a really good book. It's a story about a fictional war with zombies from all different view points. He also owns the "Zombie Survival Guide," which tells you how to survive a zombie attack, which or course is immanent.

Did you know that there is actually a series of Zombie Superheroes! Captain America, Spiderman, The Hulk are all zombies. I'm not sure if they eat people, and are bad rather than good. But they're pretty gory, just like all zombie things are.

My brother in law, Kristo told me that this year was the first annual Zombie Walk in Salt Lake. A bunch of people met in downtown Salt Lake all dressed as zombies and walked around. I actually found out that they do this in large cities all over. I had no insight into this side of Salt Lake, before now.

Zombies; can't live with em', can live without your brain. Dilemma . . .


Cameron's Corner said...

I saw that Zombie Survival Guide at Barnes and Noble a while back. I flipped through it and it looked pretty awesome.

Johnny Metropolis said...

Best post I have seen in a while!