Sunday, June 15, 2008

My Husband

I've been married for over 6 years, we'll hit our 7 year anniversary this fall. It doesn't seem like it's been that long, but it's hard to remember life before I got married.

We still can't get enough of each other.
Nick and I have worked together almost as long as we've been married. We were home teaching companions at one point, and we really don't have any other friends we hang out with besides family. We spend all our time together, work together and we're still not sick of each other.

Marriage isn't easy.
Just because we aren't sick of each other doesn't mean that we don't have disagreements or get on each other's nerves. I honestly think that a balanced marriage needs some disagreement in order to be healthy. I'm not talking about the all out brawl, Jerry Springer "disagreements", but you can't always have the same opinion on everything.

Different Sides to the Same Nick
It's been great to see Nick as he's come into different roles in his life.

Martyr Nick: One of the first jobs that Nick had when we first got married was working at a Plasma Center in downtown Salt Lake. It was a job that he absolutely hated. He dreaded going to work every time he had a shift, and on more than one occasion I told him to just play hooky. In the months that he worked there, he only missed a couple of days because he felt guilty not showing up, and is overly responsible! He could have quit and found another job, but he stuck it out and found another job, before he quit that "wonderful institution." He wasn't going to let our family be without a income or have an uncertain future, even for a few days.

Boss Nick: About a year ago, Nick applied for and attained the position of Supervisor for the Technical Support Department at Marriott Vacation Club, where we both work. Over the past 12 months Nick has had some duties that he's had to confront. Nick would do anything to avoid confrontation, but he found himself in a position where confrontation is what he's paid to do. He even had to fire one of his employees, which was one of the hardest things he's ever had to do. He's had to deal with a multitude of issues with his employees; clashing personalities, disciplinary problems, employees hurt on the job, but yet he loves what he does and spends an unreal amount of time trying to make sure that everyone is happy, and well taken care of.

Church Nick: Since we have been married, we became inactive when it came to our religion. We became lazy. Last April my sister got married and so we started to attend church again in order to be able to attend her ceremony. Since April Nick has worked as a Young Men's Counselor and, most recently, a Ward Clerk. I have had 1 calling, that lasted about a month. We started going to church for my Sister's wedding, but for over a year Nick has been an example to me of true devotion as he's attended activities, 5:00 am Saturday Temple visits, and various acts of service.

Supportive Nick: Since I was 8, I've had a severe phobia of needles. Whenever someone even brought up the subject of needles or blood, I would pass out. Needless to say, when I got pregnant, I was a complete mess worrying about how I was going to make it through all the blood drawing, hospitals and even Doctor visits. All through my ordeal of medical marvels, Nick was completely supportive. He came with me to every Doctor visit, held my hand and told me to breathe, and gave me countless blessings.

Dad Nick: In December, we became parents to Asher Denrick Daley. Neither of us were sure that we were prepared for parenthood, but Nick has been a wonderful father. He never complains about taking care of Asher, will do just about anything to make him laugh, and loves that kid more than anything. He wakes up early with Asher most days of the week, drives him to his sister's in a crappy Geo Metro with no AC. We've both had great examples of great dads, from our own, but Nick is extremely patient and everything a good father should be.

Needless to say that Nick has been an amazing husband and a great father to Asher. I'm so glad that I married him, and can't wait for everything that we still get to experience together.


Courtney said...

I love this tribute to your hubby! He is very lucky to have a great wife like you!

Heather said...

Ashlie got married? That is so awesome!! Does she have Facebook or Myspace? If she doesn't, does she have an email? I would love to get ahold of her!